Professional Societies, Associations, Clubs, and Student Groups

Professional Societies and Associations

- ACM - Association for Computing Machinery

- AHS - American Helicopter Society

- AIAA - American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

- Aerospace Industries Association

- APS - The American Physical Society

- ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers

- AUVSI - Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International

- CASI - Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute

- The Combustion Institute

- ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization

- IEEE - Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers

- INCOSE - International Council on Systems Engineering

- NSS - National Space Society

- Royal Aeronautical Society

- SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers

- Space Frontier Foundation


- Blue Horizons Flying Club (Toledo, OH)

- The Flying Gators (Johnson County, KS)

- The Flying Sport Center (Aeroclub of Czech Republic)

University/Student Groups

- AHS - American Helicopter Society (Penn State Chapter)

- EUROAVIA - The European Association of Aerospace Students

- GAUL - Groupe Aerospatial de l'Universite Laval

- HPRS - MIT Rocket Society

- Ryerson Aerospace Student Union

- Sigma Gamma Tau - University of Maryland

- Sigma Gamma Tau - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

- Sigma Gamma Tau - University of Michigan

- Sigma Gamma Tau - University of Oklahoma

- SEDS - Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (University of Arizona, Tucson)

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